Thanks to the following people who worked on this project:
Project management: Olivier Bado, Olivia Roux.
Web design and development: Olivier Bado, Rabyatou Bah.
ICT support: Christophe Bansart, Estelle Coll, Damien Debourdelle, Jérôme Navarro.
Collaboration on project conceptualisation and content development for behaviourism module: Claude Hennebois.
Proofreading: Julie Alexander-Ouillade.
I also express my gratitude to innumerable learners, teachers, students, and colleagues, past and present, who have provided data, examples, a testing bed and food for thought, and allowed me to share their work anonymously or otherwise in this project.
The more you know the less the better
(Connolly, 2003)